TensorFlow-based framework for Geometric Algebra

About me

Robin Kahlow

  • Machine-Learning and Software Engineer with Cambrian working on Home Visualization
  • Areas: Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, Computer Vision
FLOORVANA+ (Shaw Floors)

Masked plane finder

  • Task: Find masked planes in image
  • Solution: Use neural networks that takes image and outputs masked planes
  • Problems
    • How to parameterize planes in neural networks?
    • What is a good neural network architecture for geometric problems?
  • Possible answer: Geometric Algebra


  1. TensorFlow
  2. Neural Networks
  3. Geometric Algebra
  4. Geometric Algebra in TensorFlow
  5. Geometric Algebra Neural Networks
  6. Applications
    1. LieNet
    2. Joint Transform Estimation
    3. Lattice QFT
  7. Conclusion and Future work

1. TensorFlow

  • Machine-learning framework for building models
  • Runs on many devices (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs)
  • Supports distributed computing
  • Easy to use (since version 2)
  • Automatic differentiation
  • Widely used, a lot of documentation
  • Mainly for Python
Tensors in TF - Multidimensional arrays
List of numbers
$[1, 7, 5]$

                            tf.constant([1, 7, 5],
Identity matrix

3D ones

                            tf.ones([size_i, size_j, size_k])
Operations on Tensors
$A_{ijk} + B_{ijk}$

                            a + b
Elementwise sine

Matrix multiplication
$A_{ij} B_{jk}$

                            tf.matmul(a, b)
Einstein-ish notation
$\sum_{k} A_{ijk} \cdot B_{ikl} = A_{ijk} B_{ikl} = C_{ijl}$

                        c = tf.einsum("ijk,ikl->ijl", a, b)
  • Keep $i$, $j$, $l$ (appear on $C_{ijl})$
  • Sum over $k$ (doesn't appear on $C_{ijl}$)
Automatic differentiation
\[\begin{aligned} y(x) & = x^2 & \frac{\delta y}{\delta x}(x) & = 2x \\ y(3) & = 9 & \frac{\delta y}{\delta x}(3) & = 6 \end{aligned} \]

                        x = tf.constant(3)
                        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                            y = x ** 2 # 9

                        print(tape.gradient(y, x)) # 6

2. Neural Networks

Wij xi yj
  • Input $x_i$, output $y_j$, weight matrix $W_{ij}$
  • Supervised learning: adjust $W$ to minimize error on dataset
Wij xi yj
\[\begin{aligned} y_{j} & = W_{ij} x_{i} & \mbox{(Matrix multiplication)}\\ y_{j} & = W_{ij} x_{i} + c_{j} & \mbox{(+ Bias)}\\ y_{bj} & = W_{ij} x_{bi} + c_{j} & \mbox{(+ Batch dimension)}\\ y_{bj} & = f(W_{ij} x_{bi} + c_{j}) & \mbox{(+ Activation function)} \end{aligned} \]
$z_{bj} = W_{ij} x_{bi} + c_{j}$
$y_{bj} = f(z_{bj}) = relu(z_{bj})$

                            def dense(x, w, c):
                                z = tf.matmul(w, x) + c
                                # or z = tf.einsum("ij,bi->bj", w, x) + c

                                y = tf.nn.relu(z)
                                return y
                            # x has shape [batch, in_units]
                            w = tf.Variable(tf.random.normal([x.shape[1], 10]))
                            c = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))

                            with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                                y = dense(x, w, c)
                            dy_dw = tape.gradient(y, w)
Keras - Layers as objects

                        # Layer contains variables.
                        # Returns relu(Wx + c) when called.
                        dense_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(
                            units=10, activation="relu"
                        # x has shape [batch, in_units]
                        y = dense_layer(x)

                        # Can reuse layer without creating new variables
                        v = dense_layer(u)
Point-cloud Classification

                        network = Sequential([
                            Dense(units=64, activation="relu"),
                            Dense(units=64, activation="relu"),
                            Dense(units=40, activation="softmax")
                        # loss: term to be minimized

                        # inputs: [num_samples, 3*2048] (2048 3d points)
                        # outputs: [num_samples, 40] (40 classes)
              , train_outputs,
                                  epochs=10, validation_split=0.1)

                        predictions = model.predict(test_inputs)

3. Geometric Algebra

Basis vectors $\{e_x, e_y\}$, Vector $v = v_x e_x + v_y e_y$
Parallel vectors: $e_{x}e_{x} = 1$
Orthogonal vectors anti-commute: $e_{x}e_{y} = -e_{y}e_{x}$
\[\begin{aligned} a b = & (a_x e_x + a_y e_y) & & (b_x e_x + b_y e_y) & = \\ & a_x b_x + a_y b_y & + & (a_x b_y - a_y b_x) e_x e_y & = \\ & a \cdot b & + & a \wedge b & \\ \end{aligned} \]
Inner Product Exterior Product
  • Basis vectors: $\{e_0, ..., e_n\}$
  • Inner product: $e_i \cdot e_j = \begin{cases} -1 / 0 / 1, & i = j \\ 0, & i \neq j \end{cases}$
  • Exterior product: $e_i \wedge e_j = \begin{cases} 0, & i = j \\ e_{ij}, & i \neq j \end{cases}$
  • Geometric product: $a b = a \cdot b + a \wedge b$
  • Exterior product anti-commutes: $e_{ij} = -e_{ji}$
  • Complex numbers / 2D rotation
    $e_x^2 = e_y^2 = 1 \implies e_{xy}^2 = -1$
  • Quaternions / 3D rotation
    $e_x^2 = e_y^2 = e_z^2 = 1 \implies e_{xy}^2 = e_{yz}^2 = e_{xz}^2 = -1$
  • Spacetime algebra (Quantum Electrodynamics, Gravity (GTG))
    $e_t^2 = 1, e_x^2 = e_y^2 = e_z^2 = -1$
  • Projective Geometric Algebra (Translations, Rotations, Reflections, Euclidean motion)
    $e_0^2 = 0, e_x^2 = e_y^2 = e_z^2 = 1$

4. GA in TensorFlow

Geometric product: multiplication table
For $e_1^2 = e_2^2 = 1$
1 e1 e2 e12
e1 1 e12 e2
e2 -e12 1 -e1
e12 -e2 e1 -1
Example: $table[e_1, e_{12}] = e_2$
or with blade-indices (Scalar: 0, $e_1$: 1, $e_2$: 2, $e_{12}$: 3): $table[1, 3] = 2$
Can be precomputed
Multivectors: basis blade coefficients as 1-Tensor
Eg.: a = $1 + 2 e_x + 3 e_y + 4 e_{xy} \rightarrow [1, 2, 3, 4] = a_i$
Dense representation of mult. table as 3-tensor
$a b = y \rightarrow a_i b_j C_{ijk} = y_k$

                        a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4]) # shape [4]
                        b = tf.constant([3, 9, 7, 5]) # shape [4]
                        # c is precomputed and has shape [4, 4, 4]
                        y = tf.einsum("i,j,ijk->k", a, b, c) # y shape [4]
Geometric product
*clifford-raw: using numba parallel jit (low #elements overhead lower on Linux)
CPU: AMD 2700X (8C/16T), GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070
*clifford-raw: using numba parallel jit (low #elements overhead lower on Linux)
CPU: AMD 2700X (8C/16T), GPU: Nvidia GTX 1070
Reminder: Automatic differentiation
$y = a b, \frac{\delta y(a, b)}{\delta a}$

                        a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4]) # shape [4]
                        b = tf.constant([3, 9, 7, 5]) # shape [4]
                        with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
                            # c is precomputed and has shape [4, 4, 4]
                            y = tf.einsum("i,j,ijk->k", a, b, c)

                        print(tape.gradient(y, a)) # = d/da_i sum(y_j), has shape [4]
                        print(tape.jacobian(y, a)) # = d/da_i y_j, shape [4, 4]
TFGA - Tensor API

                        ga = tfga.GeometricAlgebra([1, 1, 1])

                        # Create geometric algebra tf.Tensor for vector blades
                        # (ie. e_0 + e_1 + e_2).
                        # Result: tf.Tensor [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
                        vector = ga.from_tensor_with_kind(
                            tf.ones(3), kind="vector"
                        # 5 + 5 e_01 + 5 e_02 + 5 e_12
                        # tf.Tensor [5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0]
                        quaternion = ga.from_tensor_with_kind(
                            tf.fill(dims=4, value=5),
                        ga.print(ga.geom_prod(vector, quaternion))
TFGA - Tensor API

                        # Grade reversal ~(5 + 5 e_01 + 5 e_02 + 5 e_12)
                        # = 5 + 5 e_10 + 5 e_20 + 5 e_21
                        # = 5 - 5 e_01 - 5 e_02 - 5 e_12

                        # tf.Tensor of shape [1]: -5
                        # (ie. reversed sign of e_01 component)
                        ga.print(ga.select_blades(quaternion, "10"))

                        # tf.Tensor of shape [8] with only e_01
                        # component equal to 5
                        ga.print(ga.keep_blades(quaternion, "10"))

                        # Exterior product e_01 ^ e_2 = e_012.
                        ga.print(ga.ext_prod(ga.e01, ga.e2))
TFGA - MultiVector API

                        ga = tfga.GeometricAlgebra([1, 1, 1])
                        a = ga.from_tensor(...)
                        b = ga.from_tensor(...)

                        # Wraps tf.Tensors in tfga's MultiVector class which
                        # provides operator overrides etc.
                        mv_a = ga(a)
                        mv_b = ga(b)
                        # Reversion ((~mv_a).tensor equivalent to ga.reversion(a))
                        # Geometric / inner / exterior product
                        print(mv_a * mv_b, mv_a | mv_b, mv_a ^ mv_b)
                        # Get back tf.Tensor from the multivector

Tensor vs MultiVector API

  • Tensors: easy TensorFlow interop
  • MultiVector: less verbose, no overhead

5. GA Neural Nets

Standard Dense Layer: $y_{bj} = f(W_{ij} x_{bi} + c_j)$
$W_{ij} \in \mathbb{R}^{MN}, c_j \in \mathbb{R}^N$

                        dense_layer = Dense(
                            units=64, activation="relu"
GA Dense Layer: make parameters multivector-valued
$W_{ij} \in \mathbb{Cl}_{(p,q,r)}^{MN}, c_j \in \mathbb{Cl}_{(p,q,r)}^N$

                            # Create algebra with 3 basis vectors squaring to 1
                            ga = tfga.GeometricAlgebra([1, 1, 1])

                            # 1, e01, e02, e12 indices: [0, 4, 5, 6]
                            even_indices = ga.get_kind_blade_indices("even")
                            # e0, e1, e2, e012 indices: [1, 2, 3, 7]
                            odd_indices = ga.get_kind_blade_indices("odd")
                            ga_dense_layer = tfga.layers.GeometricProductDense(
                                units=64, activation="relu",


  • Activation function $f$: elementwise or acting on multivector (eg. $e^{a e_{12}} = cos(a) + e_{12} sin(a)$)?
  • Geometric product $W_{ij} x_i$ or Sandwich product $W_{ij} x_i \widetilde{W}_{ij}$
  • Matrix mult $W_{ij} x_i$ or elementwise mult $W_{i} x_i$
  • Add bias $c_{j}$?
  • Algebra / signature
  • Subalgebra for $W_{ij}$ and $c_{j}$
No activation, sandwich product, elementwise multiplication, no bias, quaternion weights
$y_i^{(1)} = W_{i} x_i \widetilde{W}_{i}$
Two layers
$y_i^{(2)} = U_{i} y_i^{(1)} \widetilde{U}_{i} = U_{i} W_{i} x_i \widetilde{W}_{i} \widetilde{U}_{i}$
Composition of transforms
Multi-layer reduces to one layer
Log input, Exp on final output, ReLU activation, geometric product, matrix multiplication, bias, quaternion weights
$x_i^{(1)} = log(x_i^{(0)})$
$x_j^{(n+1)} = relu(W_{ij}^{(n)} x_i^{(n)} + c_j^{(n)})$
$y_j = e^{W_{ij}^{(N-1)} x_i^{(N-1)} + c_j^{(N-1)}}$
$log$ goes from Lie group to algebra
$exp$ goes from Lie algebra to group

6. GA-NN Applications

6.1 LieNet

Deep Learning on Lie Groups for Skeleton-based Action Recognition
Implementation in TFGA by Hugo Hadfield

                        ga = GeometricAlgebra([1, 1, 1])

                        model = Sequential([
                            TensorToGeometric(ga, blade_indices=[6, 5, 4, 0]),
                            RotMap(ga, use_bias=False), 
Train model on dataset (Pose-sequence $\rightarrow$ Action)


                            x=inputs_train, y=labels_train, 
                            validation_data=(inputs_test, labels_test),


  • Relatively easy and quick to implement using TFGA
  • Accuracy verified
  • But: outperformed by simple Dense ReLU NN (~90% accuracy)

6.2 Joint Transform Estimation
  • Data: extract frames from CMU MoCap dataset
  • Each joint has position and rotation
  • Representation: Motors in 3D-PGA
  • Task: given 6 joints' transforms, predict other 31 joints' transforms
  • Compare Dense GA NN vs Standard Dense NN
Data and Ganja.js visualization: Steven De Keninck


  • GA NN converges quicker, but might just be due to initialization
  • Both converge to same test error

6.3 Lattice QFT

\[\begin{aligned} \mathcal{L}_{QED}(X) = & \langle \hbar (\nabla \psi(X)) \gamma_2 \gamma_1 \gamma_3 \widetilde{\psi}(X) - \\ & e A(X) \psi(X) \gamma_0 \widetilde{\psi}(X) - \\ & m \psi(X) \widetilde{\psi}(X) \rangle_0 \end{aligned} \]
Action $S = \int_{\mathcal{X}} \mathcal{L}(X) dX$
  • Many cells, many parallel calculations, perfect for TensorFlow
  • TensorFlow Probability provides MCMC samplers (or variational inference) needed for lattice QFT
$m \psi(X) \widetilde{\psi}(X)$

                        sta = tfga.GeometricAlgebra([1, -1, -1, -1])
                        def get_mass_term(psi, electron_mass):
                            return (electron_mass *
                                sta.geom_prod(psi, sta.reversion(psi)
$e A(X) \psi(X) \gamma_0 \widetilde{\psi}(X)$

                        def get_interaction_term(psi, a, electron_charge):
                            return sta.geom_prod(
                                electron_charge * a,
                                    sta.geom_prod(sta.e0, sta.reversion(psi))
$\hbar (\nabla \psi(X)) \gamma_2 \gamma_1 \gamma_3 \widetilde{\psi}(X)$

                        def get_momentum_term(psi, spacing, hbar):
                            dt_psi = finite_differences(psi, axis=0, spacing=spacing)
                            dx_psi = finite_differences(psi, axis=1, spacing=spacing)
                            dy_psi = finite_differences(psi, axis=2, spacing=spacing)
                            dz_psi = finite_differences(psi, axis=3, spacing=spacing)
                            d_psi = dt_psi + dx_psi + dy_psi + dz_psi

                            return sta.geom_prod(
                                hbar * d_psi,
                                sta.geom_prod(sta.e213, sta.reversion(psi))
Sum cells' $\mathcal{L}$ to get Action $S$

                        def get_action(psi, a, electron_charge):
                            mass_term = get_mass_term(psi=psi,
                            int_term = get_interaction_term(psi=psi,
                                a=a, electron_charge=electron_charge)
                            mom_term = get_momentum_term(psi=psi,
                                spacing=spacing, hbar=hbar)
                            # Sum terms and get scalar part
                            lagrangians = (mom_term - mass_term - int_term)[..., 0]
                            return tf.reduce_sum(lagrangians)

7. Conclusion and Future work

  • Fast implementation of GA on GPUs
  • Easy to implement GA NNs with TFGA
  • Also usable for other high-dimensional problems
Future work
  • Exploit sparsity in GPU-friendly way (AST-rewrite / metaprogramming?)
  • Custom CUDA kernels for GA operations
  • Improve API consistency (eg. blade arguments)
  • More layers, more operations, ...
  • Explore and implement more applications


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